Sunday, 13 October 2013

So many colours,
Did they all go for a multiple hair colouring?
The firmly stood Trees, elegant and posing their beauty.

Watching the depth of sense in a Poem,
Reading the splendor of Nature around me,
The shades heavily laden with reality

Gliding through the parchment
Flipping through the pages of my favorite book
Some of the Purest forms of Love

Widening my eyes at the very sight
The sun flowers on the side walk   
and the mushrooms
Tightly gathered with their families

Starting the day at the glimpse of hope said
That soap bubble that stayed long at my shower

The scarlet shed petals, the yellow Maple leaves,
The bowed ribbon on a gift from loved one,
Grounded, yet floating.  
The favorite mistakes, old emails,
Washes the dust of vanity from our daily chores

Every smile, every difficulty, every loyal task done,
One moment of admiration, one moment of inspiration,
Adds that colour to the day.

Ending my day with the ‘Good Night Dear’
From the creepy moon light
Have I already attained the purpose?

- Sudha Mary Devaraj 
Somebody asked me

What is the purpose of your life?

Got an answer? A thought, found none.

I simply said, ‘To Live’

_ Sudha Mary Devaraj